About Us
Corporateloanindia.com is a web portal designed to enable Small and Medium scale (SME) Companies/Firms to raise finance from Banks and Financial Institutions at best terms without actually approaching them individually. Any Company/Firm seeking finance can mail us their data along with brief about their requirement. We will structure the transaction in Summary Sheet and circulate it among relevant Bankers/Financial Institutions. Interested Bankers can then understand the requirement from Summary Sheet and approach the company seeking finance by directly meeting Promoters/ Finance Head of these companies(As per contact details submitted) and take proposal forward. Hence company can get response from multiple Bankers in less than one week, and they can choose which bank they want to dealwith.
Need and Solution:
Through our experience we have learned that it becomes very difficult for SME companies to raise finance from Banks/Financial Institutions due to their inability to reach right banks and provide information to them details in format required by bankers. There is a wide gap between documentary requirements of Bankers seeking for good companies for lending and details provided by SME Companies seeking for Bank finance resulting in process of taking finance becomes very costly and time consuming.
Despite every commercial bank nowadays being aggressive in lending to SME companies, reaching SME companies is big challenge. Lot of time and energy is wasted in reaching clients, explaining products and collecting basic set of documents and with high rejection rate, it becomes laborious exercise.
Also on SME companies side, their don’t have necessary manpower resources to reach to various bankers and satisfy their documentary requirement. Also they are not aware of various schemes of banks to finance various set of clients. They have to rely on finance consultants, who sometimes charge heavily despite having their reach only in few Banks.
Ours is and effort whereby company can forward their documents as per checklist mentioned to us and we will circulate the basic information Summary Sheet directly to relevant bankers. Bankers will see their documents and approach them directly. And since they have done primary scanning by your documents, they will straightway be ready with their in principle offer in first Meeting. So, it saves time and effort of both parties concerned.
Since banker has initially scan through proposal, he can directly meet the concerned promoter/CFO and they can strike deal in first meeting itself, Hence saving both parties time and efforts.
Also problem of SME companies attending bankers and submitting hard copy documents to each bankers daily is avoided as they can straight away ask Bankers to see their proposal on this portal and approach them only if they found proposal doable.
Our Services:
SME Companies can mail us either their basic docs as per checklist mentioned on our website in Upload data segment or can fill Summary Sheet of their proposal. Once the data is forwarded to us, it becomes are responsibity to circulate the data among maximum Bankers or list of Banks as per customer requirement. Since number of bankers will see the proposal at same time, customer will get finance at best terms.
Companies also have option of publishing their requirement on our portal so that it can be read by maximum people, even those whom we have not forwarded mail.
If customer also want services like Business Profile/Loan Proposal Preparation or Loan file preparation we can assist them in preparation of documents to be forwarded to Bankers.
We can also assist SME companies in Loan Syndication activity by hand holding them to raise finance at lowest cost.
For Whom:
SME Companies/Firms looking for finance for their business (either first time or by way of takeover of their existing limits by way of higher limits at lower cost etc), or inducting new Banker by way of multiple banking arrangement.
Mid-Size companies looking for enhancement/takeover of limit. Seeking for New Greenfield Project, Corporate Loan
Companies looking for Private Equity/Venture Capital, SME IPO, IPO etc.
Companies seeking for Sale of Company, Business units, Factory etc.
Companies looking for Credit Rating, Techno Economic Viability (TEV) for their project.
Bankers seeking for SME companies for finance
Consultants seeking for companies in particular sector/or of Particular profile.
CA's looking to assist their company reaching out to bankers for finance.
Private Equity and venture Capital firms seeking for financing companies in Particular sector for investment.
HNI Investors looking for good investment opportunities by acquiring companies or acquiring industrial Property.
Options for SME Companies seeking finance:
The Company can either submit Documents as per checklist through email to us and we will firstly structure the transaction in consultation with them and prepare summary sheet giving broad overview of their proposal and circulate the summary sheet among Relevant bankers, Since Clients contact details are mentioned on that summary Sheet, Interested Bankers will directly approach them. And company can raise finance at best negotiated terms
Also, client can provide information directly in Summary sheet prepared by them as per format available on Website and provide us through email, instructing us to email to bankers or Publish on our portal. Both ways company will get good response. If company don’t want to disclose identity they can inform us and we will prepare no name teaser forward to bankers.
Customers can contact us through phone we will meet them explain our services and collect necessary documents.
Our Fees:
We have designed this portal to be extremely competitive and low cost mode of Raising Finance to corporates who want to reach out with their Loan Proposal to Bankers/Financial Institutions in cheapest and fastest manner. We shall be charging only Rs 5000/- as an introductory offer for our services which will provide client good reach and better response from Bankers. For Value added services charges shall be separate, that shall be conformed once understanding thetransaction.
Our Scope of work starts from receiving data from clients, structuring the transaction in manner understandable to its end users(Bankers/Investors). Forwarding it to relevent Bankers/Investors.
Value Added services:
Assisting Clients in arranging finance from Banks/FIs as per their choice (Debt Syndication). Handholding client in their Loan proposal till final disbursement.
Business Profile preparation for submission to Financial Institutions.
Personally assisting clients in preparing documents for submission to Bankers and suggesting them ways to improve their chances to raise finance from Banks/FIs.